Crafted by Takeo Murata, a renowned blacksmith from Kochi, Japan, this knife reflects a legacy of quality and craftsmanship. Featuring the elite aogami super steel with a hardness rating of over 64 HRC, it promises unparalleled durability and performance.
The knife boasts a striking kurouchi finish and an octagonal oak handle enhanced with a burnt urushi finish, combining rustic beauty with ergonomics. Lightweight and handmade, the Murata AS Kiritsuke offers exceptional value.Blacksmith: Takeo Murata
Location: Tosa, Japan
Edge Steel Aogami Super Steel
Cladding: Reactive, Soft Iron
Finish: Kurouchi
Weight: 6.7 oz (190g)
Blade Length: 213 mm
Total Length: 369 mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 3.5 mm
Blade Height: 48.5 mm
Edge Grind: Even 50/50
The knife boasts a striking kurouchi finish and an octagonal oak handle enhanced with a burnt urushi finish, combining rustic beauty with ergonomics. Lightweight and handmade, the Murata AS Kiritsuke offers exceptional value.