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Kohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mm
Kohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mm Kohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mmKohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mmKohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mm
Kohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mmKohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mmKohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mmKohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mm

Kohetsu HAP40 Gyuto 210mm

Item #: KHP-G21C

Average Customer Rating:
(5 out of 5 based on 24 reviews)

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Our Price: $219.95
We are very pleased to be able to offer these fine kitchen knives made by one of Japan’s leading blacksmiths. They have been created exclusively for CKTG.

The Kohetsu HAP40 Wa Gyuto 210mm is the smaller of the gyuto styles. It weighs in at 5.5 ounces. It has a nice thin tip with a little distal taper towards the point. It has a nice nimble feeling to it and comes with a super sharp edge right out of the box.

HAP40 is fine-grained enough to sharpen very well and rates 64-68 on the Rockwell Hardness Test (HRC)—even harder than the traditional carbon steels used for knives. Contrary to other HSS steels, it can be relatively easily sharpened on normal waterstones, if not quite as easily as traditional steels. Kitchen knives from this steel keep their sharpness 3 to 5 times longer than traditional knives. HAP40 is extremely tough, and so not as likely to chip along the edge as the steel used in traditional knives. We recently upgraded the knife handle with this beautiful gray and black pakka wood octagonal handle you see pictured.

Please note, the knife sharpener intentionally thins the edges of these knives to make them perform better, especially on the tip area. Often times you will see a hazy/cloudy scratch pattern as a result. This is not a defect. Please look at the 4th photo on this page to see it.

  • Brand: Kohetsu
  • Maker: Tsukahara-san
  • Location: Seki, Japan
  • Weight: 5.7 oz (160 g)
  • Blade Length: 215 mm
  • Total Length: 364 mm
  • Spine Thickness at Base: 2.2 mm
  • Blade Height: 46.4 mm
  • Steel: HAP40
  • HRC: 65-66
  • Handle: Gray Pakka Wood
  • Ferrule: Black Pakka Wood
  • Photos By Gustavo Bermudez

  • Customer Reviews


    24 review(s) WRITE A REVIEW (Reviews are subject to approval)
      Cutting is a delight, February 2, 2024
    Posted By: Richard
    1 people found this review helpful

    It's hard to find fault with this knife. I ordered it with the sharpening service and it came sharper than any other knife I've had. Cutting with it is a delight. The point of balance is almost as far back as it is on a Western-style knife, but that doesn't bother me. The handle is wonderfully smooth and varnished. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the HAP40 steel holds up over time.

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      Fantastic knife at any price
    Posted By: Mike Koleff
    5 people found this review helpful

    I continue to be amazed by the performance of this knife. No matter how much food prep I do I can return this knife to hair splitting sharpness with just a few passes on my cordovan leather strop. I have a Masamoto KS, a Takeda, a Masakage Koishi, a Nigara SG2, and a Honyaki, forged from Shirogoami #2, all of which are exceptional knives, but if you told me I could only have one gyuto, I would choose the Kohetsu HAP40.

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      Kanjo + HAP40 = Winner
    Posted By: Eddy
    2 people found this review helpful

    This is the same person that makes Kanjo branded knives. They are machine made, but sharpened by hand before sending them out.

    HAP-40 is a bargain at this price point, and one that has been sharpened by an expert even more so. It'll perform like a true Laser, as HAP-40 knives should.

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      I bought two of them
    Posted By: Chuong
    1 people found this review helpful

    I believe the title says it all.

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      Best Knife in the Kitchen
    Posted By: Chuong
    2 people found this review helpful

    I bought 2, as I travel a lot and want to leave a knife my wife can rely on to stay sharp. CKTG delivers fast. Very impressed with their service. Knife vendors in my opinion are the best at customer service. The specs speak for themselves. Laser cutting. Hp40 is likely the perfect steel, but SG2 with an HRC of 65 is likely more corrosion resistant.

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      New HAP40 fan.
    Posted By: Chuong
    2 people found this review helpful

    Very fast delivery from the vendor, much appreciated. Very light and nimble and acts like a 6" blade. Very sharp out of the box and only went for the strop. What a value for a 65-66 HRC blade. My wife loves the knife. I was going to take it with me out of the state where I work months at a time, but decided to leave it with her as I am not around to sharpen her knives. Taking the Blue steel #2 Gyuto with me to protect her from rust.

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      What i needed...
    Posted By: Pierre Moulin - verified customer
    2 people found this review helpful

    Beautiful simple knife still very sharp after one week of all purpose use. The blade is light and strong, nothing resists so far even if I believe I need to adapt my technique from a heavier knife, and find out my skills are going to improve no doubt that is how highly I regard and respect this tool. The blade is not 50/50 more a 70/30 I'd say, had a micro chip... overall completely satisfied, looking for a petty now with the same handle

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      40 is the new 20!
    Posted By: Brendan R Moore
    3 people found this review helpful

    This knife has been a joy, the hard lasting edge in HAP-40 has been a treat. And semi-stainless, I'm surprised at how long I can leave it. As a matter of fact I've yet to see a patina reside when drying. The profile of this blade is a nice rocker with a good flat spot. It's thin but not a laser however I've not had much issue with wedging. The grind and profile of this knife are great and the fit and finish are smooth. If you'd like to get into a HAP-40 I do recommend this knife.

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      Amazing steel
    Posted By: dbt816 - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    This is an excellent choice if you want to see what HAP40 steel is all about. I typically do not prefer laser type blades, but this is a top notch performer. It does exactly what you would expect!

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      Puts all my other knives to shame
    Posted By: Ged D'Arcy
    3 people found this review helpful

    Amazing sharpness!

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      Hap 40
    Posted By: Hank zins - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    This is my third hap40 knife. This ts absolutely excellent knife steel

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      Nimble slicer
    Posted By: Pavel H. - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    So far so good. Simple, utilitarian design, lightweight, sharp blade. Not the fanciest knife, but the one I find myself reaching for as it is a pleasure to work with.

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    Posted By: Andrew
    3 people found this review helpful

    I left word about this knife after having owned it for a few weeks - after a year and a half I am still convinced. I strop it every week or three, but have only had it in the stones once since the first sharpening after purchase. Thing is my go to blade for everything - use it almost every day and am still happy with the thing. Cut lamb chops and tomatoes with the thing tonight - getting to be an extension of my hands at this point. One of the better blades I have - wish they would produce a Sabatier profile knife in this steel - I'd buy it on sight - until they do, this will be the most used knife in my kit

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      Excellent, especially for the price
    Posted By: Victor - verified customer
    2 people found this review helpful

    Can't beat this knife. This has been my most used knife for a while and it's a workhorse at my home kitchen. It sharpens really well (using the Wicked Edge) and holds the edge exceptionally well. It's used by several family members and it's been dropped a few times and it hit a few metallic/ceramic objects - not a single visible chip. I am very impressed. Can't beat the performance especially given the reasonable price. The only thing I would do differently if I were to be buying again is get a 24cm blade instead 21.

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      Great knife
    Posted By: Chad R Rowell - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    Great new go to

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      Excellent knife and great value
    Posted By: Victor - verified customer
    2 people found this review helpful

    I have been using this knife for the last month and could not be happier. Sharpness out of the box was good, not great, but the knife is keeping the edge really well. I am planning of sharpening it soon. This is my first Japanese chef's knife and I find that I am using it 95% of the time now. Other knives I have - wusthofs and victorinoxes don't even compare. Really happy with the purchase.

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      Good knife for a small kitchen
    Posted By: Jared Heiden - verified customer
    3 people found this review helpful

    I've had this knife about two weeks now and its has really impressed me. I'm an artist by trade and a stay at home dad. I love cooking fresh food for my family but my joints just aren't what they used to be. Three years in the army ('04-'05 Ar Ramadi Iraq) took its tole. So having a knife that cuts easily reduces my pain levels. who knew! but anyway I love the knife. It stays sharp for a long time and is kinda easy to sharpen. I have a knife in Maxamet @ 68 hrc and this knife is far nicer to sharpen. on the other hand it is a bear if you have not sharpened steel this hard before. OOTB edge was good but hap40 can get really sharp. I have found it to hold an edge very well but it is still a bit chippy. the grind is off on my knife by the smallest amount. not enough to notice or effect cuts, just being picky. overall a great knife.

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      Excellent, Mark gets the best of all
    Posted By: The Bullman - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    Another one of the knives mark brings in. This is a keeper for sure. I put my own edge on as usual and this is one of the best. Nice thin and I love HAP40. Great steel ,great knife great company you just don't get much better.

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      Excellent, Mark gets the best of all
    Posted By: The Bullman - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    Another one of the knives mark brings in. This is a keeper for sure. I put my own edge on as usual and this is one of the best. Nice thin and I love HAP40. Great steel ,great knife great company you just don't get much better.

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      Great Knife
    Posted By: Rodrigo - verified customer
    2 people found this review helpful

    This knife is amazing, the edge retention is pretty good, super light and comfortable to handle. Beatifull and admirable work from the blacksmith, so far this knife beats any other knife I have, and I have a lot of them.

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    Posted By: Andrew - verified customer
    2 people found this review helpful

    I've been a customer of Mark's for about a year now on recommendation from a chef friend. I have now got 5 of his knives in my kit - every one a true gem. I'm a home cook, but have pretty good knife skills (thank you for your help Rick - Cordon Bleu Paris taught you well) and am pretty much convinced that this is the place to go for knives. Korin is great, as is the knife house, but Mark has made recommendations to me that are better than either of those places. This blade has just finished a week of dinner prep, and I am really happy with the thing - still super sharp and comfortable, cuts everything I have thrown at it with precision. Even though it's a short knife, I am learning to use it for everything - I can still pull out a 270, but this thing is just bloody great. Mark, you run one of the best places for a serious home cook or professional chef to get great knives with great service. I can't get over how well this knife performs for the money - prefer to use it over even my old Sabatier knives - never though I would say that. Thanks again sir - I'm convinced.

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      Lightweight Laser
    Posted By: Steven - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    I'm a home hobbyist cook, not a pro chef. I like the knife for its light weight, super edge-retaining ability, and general high-level of craftsmanship. Another reviewer noted that his handle was unfinished and soaked up copious amounts of wood oil and wax. While my handle is also Ho wood (Japanese magnolia), mine seems to have a light application of oil and beeswax, since it won't soak up much mineral oil at all, for now, at least, and has a smooth texture such as an oil/wax finish provides. The edge is very sharp out of the box and so, with the HAP40 steel and me as only a home cook, I doubt it will need any serious edge treatment for months, if not years.I consider the purchase to have been a good one, even though I had to scrimp and save for it.CKTG is a great full-service online resource!

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      Excellent edge retention
    Posted By: Kendall Phillips - verified customer
    2 people found this review helpful

    I didn't like the uneven grind so I evened it out. It took a lot longer than I thought, I used a 250 grit stone to start and I realized I have to put more weight on it when I sharpen it or the edge won't sharpen to it's full potential so I sharpened it again. It holds whatever edge you give it and it's beautiful. The shape of the knife takes some getting used to depending on your cutting style but once you get a rhythm you can plow through kitchen prep. This is the knife you want in a professional kitchen. I can't wait to see how long the edge holds. My only real complaint is the handle was very unfinished and I was surprised because I have a misuzu which has the same type of handle but it was stained and sealed really well. I just used an insane amount of wood oil and beeswax and it feels a lot better. I love the shape of handle.

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      Best knife in my bag
    Posted By: John Richards - verified customer
    1 people found this review helpful

    Love it! It takes a very nice edge and holds it longer than anything else I've tried. It's my go to knife when working the line.

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