Gyutos 270-300mm
Gyuto knives are basically the Japanese version of a western chef knife with a few minor modifications. First, most Gyutos do not have a traditional Western bolster that runs down the base of the heel. Some also have traditional Japanese style handles and are called Wa-Gyutos. Japanese Gyutos are often made of thinner, harder steel which many professionals like because the knives can be sharpened to a steeper, sharper edge and the knives don't wedge through food as much because the blade doesn't push through food as much as thicker knives.
Kurosaki Fujin SG2 Gyuto 270mm
Masakage Kumo Gyuto 270mm
Masakage Koishi Gyuto 270mm
Moritaka AS Gyuto 270mm Custom
Nakagawa Ginsan Gyuto 270mm
Tabata Blue #2 Gyuto 270mm
Takayuki Grand Chef Gyuto 270mm
Takayuki TUS Gyuto 270mm
Takayuki TUS Gyuto 300mm