Posted By:
Max S. -
verified customer4 people found this review helpful
I'm sorry to Mark for having to sort through all of my reviews, but I am continually impressed with what I buy from him! I have been using a DMT 120 grit plate, and a shapton glass plate for lapping 5 different brands of water stones, this Atoma 400 was a recent purchase. I went with this atoma for grits 1k and higher, so I can mainly use my shapton plate on glass stones. I found this plates grit rating perfect for stones from 1k-6k. I had no problem with this on one of my 8k stones as well, but it was a bit more coarse than I would have liked. THIS STONE IS GREAT! I recommend it over the DMT for lapping. I also enjoying sharpening with the plate as well, I really like the scratch pattern it leaves. The Atoma is ligher, and a bit longer than the DMT, also the suction effect is greatly reduced. All-round better choice in my opinion. If I did not already have 2x DMT 120s, I would purchase an Atoma 140. This is truly a great plate, nice n light weight. Don't hesitate. I could not be happier! You may want to consider a 600 grit if you already have have a 120 grit DMT plate, you could probably extend up to a 10k stone with the 600 and get a good surface.Was this rating helpful to you?
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