Tabata Hamono, a quaint blacksmith shop nestled on the picturesque Tanagashima Island, just south of Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, crafts this exquisite santoku knife. This culinary masterpiece is forged from Blue #2 steel, renowned for its durability and edge retention, and features a stainless cladding for added resilience against corrosion. The knife is finished with a traditional kasumi polish, giving it a sleek, mist-like appearance. Chefknivestogo is honored to introduce Tabata Hamono's exceptional craftsmanship to the United States, marking our exclusive partnership as the company's inaugural dealer in the USA.
Blacksmith: Tabata Hamono
Brand Name: Tanegashima
Construction: San Mai, Hammer Forged
Location: Tanegashima, Japan
Edge Steel: Blue #2
HRC: 62
Bevel: Double Bevel
Edge Grind: Even Grind
Cladding: Stainless Steel
Finish: Kasumi
Handle: Oak Octagonal
Ferrule: Black Stained Oak Wood
Weight: 5.5 oz/ 156g
Blade Length: 177mm
Overall Length: 315mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 3.8mm
Blade Height at Heel: 45.7mm
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