Like the rest of the Shapton Professional series, this 2000 grit synthetic stone is hard, cuts quickly, and is splash and go. This particular choice is an excellent stone prior to finishing in a sharpening progression. Indeed, some sharpeners will not go beyond this stone due to the refined, yet toothy, edge that can be achieved through polishing strokes after burr formation. The stone is also frequently followed by light work with a Shapton Pro 5000 or 8000 grit stone for a bit of extra refinement when used on kitchen knives. A storage box which doubles as a stone holder is included by the maker. These stones measure 8.25 x 2.75 each.
*Please note, Shapton stopped printing their name on the Pro Stones for delivery to Shapton USA at the end of 2015. All new stones have no printed ink. We are also now buying these stones directly from the factory in Japan. We ship these stones and service them from our office in Madison, WI.
*Please note, Shapton stopped printing their name on the Pro Stones for delivery to Shapton USA at the end of 2015. All new stones have no printed ink. We are also now buying these stones directly from the factory in Japan. We ship these stones and service them from our office in Madison, WI.


Posted By: Matt Jacobs
5 people found this review helpful
Very happy with this stone. I was using an 800 grit and then skipping to 5k. This 2K has replaced them both as my one main stone for kitchen knives. It gives a very nice toothy edge in the kitchen and I love having splash and go stones.
5 people found this review helpful
Very happy with this stone. I was using an 800 grit and then skipping to 5k. This 2K has replaced them both as my one main stone for kitchen knives. It gives a very nice toothy edge in the kitchen and I love having splash and go stones.