Sakai Takayuki Homura Guren is a series of high-quality kurouchi knives hammer-forged by Mr. Itsuo Doi using Blue 2 steel. Unique but tried and tested profiles, hand hammered finishes, and convex grinds make these lookers as well as performers.
Brand: Sakai Takayuki
Blacksmith: Doi san
Location: Sakai, Japan
Construction: San Mai, Hammer Forged
Edge Steel: Blue #2
Cladding: Iron
Handle: Urushi Oak Octagonal Burnt Finish
Edge Grind: Even 50/50
Weight: 8.1 oz 230 g)
Edge Length: 208 mm
Total Length: 375 mm
Spine Thickness at Base: 3.2 mm
Blade Height: 56.0 mm