Miki, an enchanting metropolis situated east of Kobe, is a bustling center for numerous adept blacksmiths who skillfully exercise their craft. These unparalleled knives, crafted with painstaking precision within Miki's ateliers, bear the city's name with pride, standing as an enduring tribute to its deep-rooted tradition of superior craftsmanship.
Maker: Miki Hamono
Construction: San Mai
Edge Steel: AS Carbon Steel
Cladding: Stainless Steel
Engraving: Hand Engraved
Edge Grind: Even
Handle: Sandalwood and Black Pakka Octagonal
Weight: 4.4 oz (126 g)
Edge Length:180 mm
Total Length: 319 mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 2.3 mm
Blade Height at Heel: 43.1 mm