Makoto Kurosaki honed his craft as an apprentice under the renowned blade maker Hiroshi Kato. Alongside his younger brother Yu, who eventually opened his own shop in Echizen, Makoto continues to collaborate on various projects, maintaining a strong connection with Kato-san. We are thrilled to partner with this incredibly talented blacksmith.
Premium SG2 Stainless Steel! Our featured knives are forged from SG2 stainless steel, a high-performance powdered metallurgical steel akin to R-2 Powdered High Speed tool steel. While R-2 is produced by the Kobelco steel company, SG2 is marketed by Takefu steel company. Custom knife makers often use a different forging and heat treatment process for R-2 steel, but SG2 remains an excellent choice for kitchen knives, offering easy maintenance and long-lasting sharpness.
135mm Petty Knife: Precision and Beauty The 135mm petty knife is perfect for detailed kitchen tasks such as garnish preparation. Its ultra-slim and thin blade is ground with a 50/50 symmetrical edge, ensuring precise cuts. The elegant cherry wood handle provides exceptional balance, enhancing the knife's functionality and aesthetic appeal. We highly recommend these knives from Makoto Kurosaki, a master blacksmith whose skill is evident in every blade.
Blacksmith: Makoto Kurosaki
Location: Takefu, Japan
Construction: Hammer Forged, San Mai
Steel: SG2 Stainless
Cladding: Stainless Steel
Engraving: Laser
Grind: Even
Edge Length: 135mm
Height: 30mm
Weight: 2oz
Premium SG2 Stainless Steel! Our featured knives are forged from SG2 stainless steel, a high-performance powdered metallurgical steel akin to R-2 Powdered High Speed tool steel. While R-2 is produced by the Kobelco steel company, SG2 is marketed by Takefu steel company. Custom knife makers often use a different forging and heat treatment process for R-2 steel, but SG2 remains an excellent choice for kitchen knives, offering easy maintenance and long-lasting sharpness.
135mm Petty Knife: Precision and Beauty The 135mm petty knife is perfect for detailed kitchen tasks such as garnish preparation. Its ultra-slim and thin blade is ground with a 50/50 symmetrical edge, ensuring precise cuts. The elegant cherry wood handle provides exceptional balance, enhancing the knife's functionality and aesthetic appeal. We highly recommend these knives from Makoto Kurosaki, a master blacksmith whose skill is evident in every blade.