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Home > Resources > For Professionals > Sayas > CKTG Sayas > CKTG Petty Saya Tall 120mm

CKTG Petty Saya Tall 120mm

Item #: CKTGSaya-PettyTall120

Average Customer Rating:
(4.5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews)

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Our Price: $35.00
It is best to buy a knife and saya at the same time so we can ensure a good fit. If you're buying a saya separately, we will need to know which knife you're buying it for. Please let us know in the Comments section of your shopping cart.

If a knife has a compatible saya, it is shown and linked on the knife's page. If no saya is shown, then we do NOT have a saya that fits, in which case we recommend a felt blade guard.

We do not sell sayas for knives we do not carry on the website.

Customer Reviews


2 review(s) WRITE A REVIEW (Reviews are subject to approval)
  Great, especially for the price
Posted By: Kevin Avenius - verified customer
2 people found this review helpful

Knife can get very sharp. Was moderately sharp out of the box, but a traditional first sharpening on a 1000x and 5000x zeroed it in nicely. Seems to hold its edge through moderate use. Good balance. I'd say this is an impeccable brand/knife for a starter, and a great supplement to fill the gaps where one doesn't want to spend another $100+

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  Essential to protect your blade
Posted By: Bil
2 people found this review helpful

Very impressed with the fit and finish. It fits my new Kajiwara ko bocho like a glove, is very light but very sturdy. Perfect!

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