There are a number of dilemmas a sharpener must address in selecting gear to outfit their sharpening kit. The Atoma diamond sharpening plates are a compelling answer to a number of those problems. The Atoma 140 diamond plate is made of diamond abrasive embedded in a metal pad in a dot matrix pattern which is mounted to an aluminum base. The 140 grit Atoma plate may be used as a coarse grit sharpening stone. When used on blades, the Atoma 140 removes steel aggressively to affect repairs quickly. The 140 is perhaps most often used as a flattening plate to repair and maintain dished water stones. Because of the coarseness of the abrasive and the hardness of the diamond it will abrade most any stone on the market and do so quickly. While there are other diamond abrasive plates on the market, the Atoma is noted for being extremely long lasting and thanks to the space between the diamond abrasive dots, the Atoma plates are not prone to suctioning themselves to stones the way many diamond plates will. The Atoma 140 grit plate can be renewed with an available 140 grit replacement pad which adds to the value of these plates. Measures 210mm x 75mm.


Posted By: Sean R. - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
I have been very impressed with the Atoma 140 diamond plate. It is an excellent choice for major repair work and resetting a bevel quickly. It also makes for a superb flattening stone. It is consistent each and every use.
3 people found this review helpful
I have been very impressed with the Atoma 140 diamond plate. It is an excellent choice for major repair work and resetting a bevel quickly. It also makes for a superb flattening stone. It is consistent each and every use.

Posted By: Jamie - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
Only had this plate a couple days and have used it to flatten whetstones and to put a new edge on an old knife that had some rust and significant chipping on the edge. This plate was perfect for the job, very pleased with the results.
3 people found this review helpful
Only had this plate a couple days and have used it to flatten whetstones and to put a new edge on an old knife that had some rust and significant chipping on the edge. This plate was perfect for the job, very pleased with the results.

Posted By: amdrew steinberg - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
i was informed that i should avoid diamonds for re-profiling a knife that uses the so called super steels like cpm3v or powder melt steel's i they can leave deep scratches, and having to do extra work to reduce the scratched with higher grits. i have an old diamond and it works great on my high carbon steels. i would still purchase this stones for i have many carbon steels and stones to be flattened
3 people found this review helpful
i was informed that i should avoid diamonds for re-profiling a knife that uses the so called super steels like cpm3v or powder melt steel's i they can leave deep scratches, and having to do extra work to reduce the scratched with higher grits. i have an old diamond and it works great on my high carbon steels. i would still purchase this stones for i have many carbon steels and stones to be flattened

Posted By: Chris - verified customer
4 people found this review helpful
This is an excellent plate but after more use than my initial review, I have a couple thoughts to add. I really appreciate that this plate does not stick to the stone when lapping but I do find that the scratches it leaves are signifcantly deeper and more pervasive than the DMT XC that also sees some lapping duty. This isn't a huge deal as it does flatten very quickly but some of that time saved is again lost by needing to spend time conditioning the stones surface.
4 people found this review helpful
This is an excellent plate but after more use than my initial review, I have a couple thoughts to add. I really appreciate that this plate does not stick to the stone when lapping but I do find that the scratches it leaves are signifcantly deeper and more pervasive than the DMT XC that also sees some lapping duty. This isn't a huge deal as it does flatten very quickly but some of that time saved is again lost by needing to spend time conditioning the stones surface.

Posted By: Ray M - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
I have a couple of other diamond plates and this is by far the best. Dead flat. Light weight. Never sticks to the stone. Removes metal like magic. And at a really affordable price. It deserves the accolades. What more can I say. Buy this won't regret it.
3 people found this review helpful
I have a couple of other diamond plates and this is by far the best. Dead flat. Light weight. Never sticks to the stone. Removes metal like magic. And at a really affordable price. It deserves the accolades. What more can I say. Buy this won't regret it.

Posted By: ut_ron - verified customer
4 people found this review helpful
Cant believe how aggressive this is. I have never used a diamond plate before and can see that I have wasted a lot of time fixing bad blades. Should of gotten this sooner. I got this to mainly flatten my shapton pro stones but tried it out on a really dull knife before the stones and boy what a difference. It is now what I start with when friends come over for me to sharpen their knifes.If you do your own sharping it is awesome for fix problems and flattening your stones.
4 people found this review helpful
Cant believe how aggressive this is. I have never used a diamond plate before and can see that I have wasted a lot of time fixing bad blades. Should of gotten this sooner. I got this to mainly flatten my shapton pro stones but tried it out on a really dull knife before the stones and boy what a difference. It is now what I start with when friends come over for me to sharpen their knifes.If you do your own sharping it is awesome for fix problems and flattening your stones.

Posted By: Jesse - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
When I originally bought this I wasn't completely sure I needed it but I was sure that I would eventually. Turns out, I've needed one for years and I just didn't know it. After a few sharpening sessions I've found this plate to be a champ with lapping stones and thinning knives. I have yet to use it to its fullest potential but I am very pleased with the performance this far. Great Product
3 people found this review helpful
When I originally bought this I wasn't completely sure I needed it but I was sure that I would eventually. Turns out, I've needed one for years and I just didn't know it. After a few sharpening sessions I've found this plate to be a champ with lapping stones and thinning knives. I have yet to use it to its fullest potential but I am very pleased with the performance this far. Great Product

Posted By: william - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
The gold standard for a flattening plate without going broke. One and done. I would caution that thereis no need to be aggressive, as I was and wore down my first one. Even that one still has a lot of miles left. Besides flattening, there is fixing points, raising some mud, re-profiling...and there is the joy of a quality diamond plate with no need to be flattened like high maintenance whetstones. A must have quality tool. Going cheaper could be more expensive.
3 people found this review helpful
The gold standard for a flattening plate without going broke. One and done. I would caution that thereis no need to be aggressive, as I was and wore down my first one. Even that one still has a lot of miles left. Besides flattening, there is fixing points, raising some mud, re-profiling...and there is the joy of a quality diamond plate with no need to be flattened like high maintenance whetstones. A must have quality tool. Going cheaper could be more expensive.

Posted By: sharksfan7 - verified customer
4 people found this review helpful
A great plate for flattening water stones. Got this to replace a DMT XXC diamond plate. The Atoma doesn't stick to the stones like the DMT tends to do. If you get a different plate just to save a few bucks, you'll soon wish you just got the Atoma. So just get it. It's worth it.
4 people found this review helpful
A great plate for flattening water stones. Got this to replace a DMT XXC diamond plate. The Atoma doesn't stick to the stones like the DMT tends to do. If you get a different plate just to save a few bucks, you'll soon wish you just got the Atoma. So just get it. It's worth it.

Posted By: Corey - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
This plate is great for flattening my stones, have flattened everything and this plate still looks new. It is also a beat at removing metal. I used it for thinning. The only thing to be weary of is it leaves deep scratches. I wouldn't use this stone on the edge unless you had some major chips and repair to do.
3 people found this review helpful
This plate is great for flattening my stones, have flattened everything and this plate still looks new. It is also a beat at removing metal. I used it for thinning. The only thing to be weary of is it leaves deep scratches. I wouldn't use this stone on the edge unless you had some major chips and repair to do.

Posted By: Jason Bosman - verified customer
4 people found this review helpful
The Atoma 140 is the diamond plate you resist buying but also regret not getting sooner. It's ability to grind steel and lap waterstones is second to none and I can say this with confidence because I have used most known brands of diamond plates. Hard to add much else that hasn't already been said, this diamond plate receives great praise for good reasons. For lapping and major knife repairs it's a must have tool for anyone serious about sharpening.
4 people found this review helpful
The Atoma 140 is the diamond plate you resist buying but also regret not getting sooner. It's ability to grind steel and lap waterstones is second to none and I can say this with confidence because I have used most known brands of diamond plates. Hard to add much else that hasn't already been said, this diamond plate receives great praise for good reasons. For lapping and major knife repairs it's a must have tool for anyone serious about sharpening.

Posted By: cjmeik - verified customer
5 people found this review helpful
I purchased this plate primarily for lapping stones. For this purpose it has been an excellent impovement of the DMT XC that I was previously using for lapping and repairs. The Atoma doesn't suction to the stones like the DMT does. At 140 grit, it does leave scratches on fine stones but they appear no worse than the DMT XC (220 grit), they don't greatly impact feel, and they are easy to condition out with a nagura or near stone in your progression.The bottom line is to bite the bullet and buy the best straight out of the gate. It will save you money and headache in the long run and the performance difference is undeniable.Thankfully, at this point, I can't comment on how it perfoms repairing damaged edges.
5 people found this review helpful
I purchased this plate primarily for lapping stones. For this purpose it has been an excellent impovement of the DMT XC that I was previously using for lapping and repairs. The Atoma doesn't suction to the stones like the DMT does. At 140 grit, it does leave scratches on fine stones but they appear no worse than the DMT XC (220 grit), they don't greatly impact feel, and they are easy to condition out with a nagura or near stone in your progression.The bottom line is to bite the bullet and buy the best straight out of the gate. It will save you money and headache in the long run and the performance difference is undeniable.Thankfully, at this point, I can't comment on how it perfoms repairing damaged edges.

Posted By: Ryan Sederholm - verified customer
4 people found this review helpful
I purchased the Atoma 140 as a replacement for a clapped out DMT X-Coarse for lapping duty. The Atoma is coarser and accordingly, grinds quicker. My biggest motivation for the change, though, is that the DMT is prone to suctioning itself to the stone making it a chore to use. The Atoma does not have this problem at all and I consider it a big upgrade. The only reason I am not rewarding an additional star is because I've only had the plate for a few months while the DMT lasted about five years...I have no reason not to be optimistic that this too will last.
4 people found this review helpful
I purchased the Atoma 140 as a replacement for a clapped out DMT X-Coarse for lapping duty. The Atoma is coarser and accordingly, grinds quicker. My biggest motivation for the change, though, is that the DMT is prone to suctioning itself to the stone making it a chore to use. The Atoma does not have this problem at all and I consider it a big upgrade. The only reason I am not rewarding an additional star is because I've only had the plate for a few months while the DMT lasted about five years...I have no reason not to be optimistic that this too will last.

Posted By: GeorgeK - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
I was looking to get one flattening stone for quite some time now. The Atoma 140 works great as a flattening stone for an assortment of synthetic sharpening stones (Naniwa, Nubatama, Suehiro, King). Applying light pressure and adding water during lapping makes it a quick work to flatten stones. Not used it for any repairs yet(and hopefully won't have to do so, but it looks that it will easily take the task).Very satisfied with this product!
3 people found this review helpful
I was looking to get one flattening stone for quite some time now. The Atoma 140 works great as a flattening stone for an assortment of synthetic sharpening stones (Naniwa, Nubatama, Suehiro, King). Applying light pressure and adding water during lapping makes it a quick work to flatten stones. Not used it for any repairs yet(and hopefully won't have to do so, but it looks that it will easily take the task).Very satisfied with this product!

Posted By: happy user - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
While pricey, this plate definitely works as advertised. I have used it hundreds of times to lap stones from the 150 Bamboo up to the 8K Snow White. It works on all of them. In particular, it is aggressive enough to work on the 150, and the scratches aren't deep enough to be a distraction on the 8K. The trick to making the plate last is to use light pressure and I use one hand on the plate and one hand on the stone under running water. The running water definitely improves the longevity. It was only after several months that I realized you could use it for doing coarse work on knives as well. While the scratch pattern is pretty deep for this, again with light pressure they can be removed by the Nub 150 Bamboo. All in all, worth the money.
3 people found this review helpful
While pricey, this plate definitely works as advertised. I have used it hundreds of times to lap stones from the 150 Bamboo up to the 8K Snow White. It works on all of them. In particular, it is aggressive enough to work on the 150, and the scratches aren't deep enough to be a distraction on the 8K. The trick to making the plate last is to use light pressure and I use one hand on the plate and one hand on the stone under running water. The running water definitely improves the longevity. It was only after several months that I realized you could use it for doing coarse work on knives as well. While the scratch pattern is pretty deep for this, again with light pressure they can be removed by the Nub 150 Bamboo. All in all, worth the money.

Posted By: Stephen Gillis - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
What a great plate, second only to CKtG's customer service. Durable, constructed well, and tears through high-alloy steel as well as it flattens stones. The scratch pattern it leaves in knives is deep, so prepare yourself for that if you believe you'll use it for this purpose, but if flattening stones is all you're in the market for then I've yet to come across a better buy. If my setup vanished tomorrow I think this would be the only piece I'd replace immediately. The only reason I give four stars is that it makes me ancy while repairing tips. Otherwise, no complaints. I wish I could only take off half a star. Thanks again Mark and Sue!
3 people found this review helpful
What a great plate, second only to CKtG's customer service. Durable, constructed well, and tears through high-alloy steel as well as it flattens stones. The scratch pattern it leaves in knives is deep, so prepare yourself for that if you believe you'll use it for this purpose, but if flattening stones is all you're in the market for then I've yet to come across a better buy. If my setup vanished tomorrow I think this would be the only piece I'd replace immediately. The only reason I give four stars is that it makes me ancy while repairing tips. Otherwise, no complaints. I wish I could only take off half a star. Thanks again Mark and Sue!

Posted By: Rick - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
Perfect for use as a waterstone flattener, it also does double-duty for thinning most any kind of knife. It leaves a more even scratch pattern than the DMT D8XX and wears better.If you do more than occasional stone flattening and knife thinning the Atoma 140 is a must have.
3 people found this review helpful
Perfect for use as a waterstone flattener, it also does double-duty for thinning most any kind of knife. It leaves a more even scratch pattern than the DMT D8XX and wears better.If you do more than occasional stone flattening and knife thinning the Atoma 140 is a must have.

Posted By: Jacko - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
The Atoma 140 is a great addition to my shop and home for repairing chipped wood chisels, flattening water stones and setting the bevel on damaged knives. The Atoma plate is fast and seems to keep cutting over a very long time on many projects.
3 people found this review helpful
The Atoma 140 is a great addition to my shop and home for repairing chipped wood chisels, flattening water stones and setting the bevel on damaged knives. The Atoma plate is fast and seems to keep cutting over a very long time on many projects.

Posted By: thegingerninja - verified customer
4 people found this review helpful
This is THE diamond plate to own! If you don't own a flattening plate or a low grit for repairs, do yourself a favor and pick up the Atoma 140. It lasts forever if you use it exclusively for flattening. I use mine for some repairs and thinning and learned to go with light pressure because the plate will cut deep and excessive pressure will prematurely wear the diamonds out. Follow it up by a Nubatama 150 and you can clean any deep scratches. Easy pressure folks! This is a must have in a sharpeners kits.
4 people found this review helpful
This is THE diamond plate to own! If you don't own a flattening plate or a low grit for repairs, do yourself a favor and pick up the Atoma 140. It lasts forever if you use it exclusively for flattening. I use mine for some repairs and thinning and learned to go with light pressure because the plate will cut deep and excessive pressure will prematurely wear the diamonds out. Follow it up by a Nubatama 150 and you can clean any deep scratches. Easy pressure folks! This is a must have in a sharpeners kits.

Posted By: Stephen - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
I was fortunate enough to pick up thirteen new natural stones. Naturals never come flat. I had a lot of work ahead of me to flatten the stones to usable condition. This plate is coarse, flat and made quick (relatively speaking) work of flatening my naturals. I ended up getting a DMT 220 use after the 140 to get a finer finish but it was putting a very slight groove along the face of the stone so I don't even bother now. After the Atoma 140, I use a nagura to condition the surface and go straight to sharpening. Highly recommended for natural stones or badly dished artificials.
3 people found this review helpful
I was fortunate enough to pick up thirteen new natural stones. Naturals never come flat. I had a lot of work ahead of me to flatten the stones to usable condition. This plate is coarse, flat and made quick (relatively speaking) work of flatening my naturals. I ended up getting a DMT 220 use after the 140 to get a finer finish but it was putting a very slight groove along the face of the stone so I don't even bother now. After the Atoma 140, I use a nagura to condition the surface and go straight to sharpening. Highly recommended for natural stones or badly dished artificials.