Discover the cosmic elegance of the "Ginga" series, inspired by the Japanese word for "Galaxy." Crafted by Takayuki, these exquisite knives are forged from 69 layers of Damascus steel, encapsulating both strength and beauty. At the heart of each blade lies the innovative ZA-18 stainless steel, pioneered by Aichi Steel Co. This advanced formula includes 1.20% Carbon for durability, 18.0% Chromium for rust resistance, 1.5% Molybdenum, and 1.80% Cobalt, enhancing the knife's hardness and toughness. Experience unparalleled performance in your kitchen with this stellar steel composition.
Maker: Takayuki
Location: Sakai City Japan
Cladding: 69 layers Damascus
Edge Steel: ZA-18 Stainless
HRC: 60-61
Weight: 5.0 oz/ 142g
Blade Length: 160 mm
Overall Length: 312 mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 1.80 mm
Blade Height at Spine: 45.58 mm
Handle: Wenge with Buffalo horn