Posted By:
Max -
verified customer2 people found this review helpful
The thing with the 6k tapes is, they really bring up the polish on your blade, so if you left any mess behind while sharpening, (like un even scratch patterns) when you use this tape, those big left over scratches are going to become more visible. They may have been less visible at 3000. This does not always happen, but I find this tape works differently with difference steels. Being so fine it is the most fragile of the 3 tapes. Make sure you start with stropping strokes to knock down any left over bur before you push with this tape, it should last you at least a few knives if you are gentle. If you feel like your polish gets WORSE with these tapes, it is an illusion. I love the 6k, they make your edges look like a million bucks!Was this rating helpful to you?
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