Based in Seki City, Japan, Shizu Hamono stands out as a highly respected purveyor of traditional Japanese knives, renowned for creating some of Japan's most exceptional cutlery. The company takes immense pride in handcrafting its knives, intertwining age-old methodologies and premium materials. This approach yields knives that captivate both in beauty and functionality.
Maker: Shizu Hamono
Knife Line: Gen
Location: Sanjo City, Japan
Construction: San Mai, Roll Forged
Cladding: Stainless
Edge: VG10 Stainless Steel
Grind: Even
Handle: D Shape Pakkawood
Ferrule: Black Pakkawood
Weight: 3.5 oz (98 g)
Edge Length: 146 mm
Total Length: 270 mm
Spine Thickness at Base: 1.9 mm
Blade Height: 37.4 mm